envisiontec 3d printer distributor India
EnvisionTEC 3D Printers

OurContinuous (cDLM) DLP 3d Printer

EnvisionTEC launched its Continuous Digital Light Manufacturing (cDLM) technology in early 2016 with the Micro Plus cDLM. It’s based on a patent-protected approach came up with a decade ago.

Continuous 3D printing is a newer approach to DLP printing in which the build plate moves constantly in the Z direction - allowing light to cure photosensitive polymers without interruption to produce a final part.

Read this paper, you will learn more about these technical considerations for continuous 3D printing:

•    Beyond speed, what are the benefits of continuous 3D printing?
•    What is a dead zone and why does it matter?
•    Why is accuracy more challenged on a continuous 3D printer than with traditional DLP or SLA technologies?
•    Is surface finish really always better on a continuous 3D printer?

We offer our cDLM technology in four configurations, specifically to meet the needs of customers in the jewellery, dental and manufacturing markets.

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