Check out the top 5 enhancements in SOLIDWORKS® 2023 PDM.
From enhanced file tracking to improved file transfer security, better visualization, and more. Learn how you can work better together with faster and more secure data management capabilities.
• Track file downloads by individual users.
• Easily view individual user Get actions with the new File Get log interface.
• Review critical information about who downloaded files, where they were downloaded to, and when.
Benefits: Improve data security through more detailed audit trail information and file tracking.
• Encrypt file traffic between the archive server and the client.
Benefits: Increase data security when files are in transit.
• Communicate changes to design data better with the ability to customize PDM notification templates with HTML.
• Utilize new file formats for data card images, including PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats.
• Add tool tips for data card controls.
• Display Thumbnails for eDrawings® files.
Benefits: Streamline notification information and improve the user experience.
• Easily restore previously deleted users.
• Show inherited permissions by group.
• Update user information using the Active Directory sync function.
Benefits: Improve user and group information and management.
• Upgrade SOLIDWORKS file versions faster using the File Version Upgrade Tool when overwriting the latest version.
• Speed up archive and database communication with the client through improved WAN performance.
Benefits: Streamline upgrades and common operations in higher-latency environments.
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